Born to uncaring parents who subsequently divorce, Rifka is left fighting for love and attention. At the age of seven, she and her little sister learn to fend for themselves. Rifka discovers that she cannot confide in anyone, that she cannot rely on anyone, and that her family was a lost cause. Left to her own devices, shoved from place to place, she manages to grow nevertheless into a smart, capable woman who lives her life with gusto and a positive attitude.
Imagine knowing that you once had a sister who disappeared. Kaley Rosen matures to adulthood in the shadow of that dark past.
Imagine knowing you were adopted but having no interest in finding out about the family who gave you away. Adele Green lived like this all her life, until circumstances left her almost alone in the world.
A tangled web of events follows the young women as they traverse thousands of miles to the climactic ending. Which is really just the beginning…
A true, harrowing account of a young woman’s quest to to save her family from danger and bring them to freedom. Readers will be inspired by Nahid’s inner journey and renew their own appreciation of the freedom we often take for granted.
For almost three decades, writing has been an enjoyable hobby and a career path. I have published three books to date with a fourth one on the way. I have published many articles and short stories in various magazines. And I have helped many young and not so young businesses grow professionally.
Residing in New York City, I have a family that always comes first.