How Worried Are We
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How Worried Are We?
Miriam Weiser
It worries me how future generations will read the history of what is happening right now in America and the world. With so many outright lies and misinformation spewing forth from every corner and niche, with the exceedingly mounting anger and fury and passion from all sides, how will the future know the real truth and nothing but the truth? Everyone, on all sides of course, knows their own absolute truth. But there is only one real truth. There is one truth, and it will all come crashing down, slowly but surely, just as it was meant to be in the scheme of things as Hashem (God) chooses it to happen.
The way I see it, Hashem is running His world as the Master. Like making a puzzle, the pieces all come together the way He wants them too. The thoughts and sentiments and beliefs in each individual is also a part of His scheme. The evil in so many is part of the plan, as well.
You’ve heard many a person say “I don’t know what I was thinking. How could I have been so…”
While we humans are blessed with the gift of choice, Hashem knows what He is doing, and what needs to happen for his plan to be accomplished.
Still, after all that, I wonder how this madness and idiocy and complete breakdown of the senses of so many millions will be portrayed for the future to learn from. Because, after all, aren’t we supposed to learn from history? Aren’t we supposed to learn from our past and then make better choices based on those facts?
It seems there is an intergenerational memory loss regarding the fact that history repeats itself. We learn it. We know it. We promise to never forget.
We forget it. When I say we I don’t mean me, do I? I am just a tiny game piece in the scheme of things. I am just a minuscule speck on the vista of the world and life of this generation. What is it that I can do? Nothing.
Because I am not a professional. I am not a politician by any stretch of the imagination. I am not advocate material. My nature does not allow me to get up there and speak my thoughts, it doesn’t allow me to bypass red tapes, busy people, people who make and break the rules.
I am of the class that is supposed to just follow those rules. Those rules that consistently get broken by the ones who make them into law. I just better follow those rules, or else. I am not one to speak up, because my voice is diminutive and doesn’t carry any weight whatsoever. I am told by other people to just do whatever we’re told and not to stir up trouble. Do as we’re told, even though every fiber of my being protests. Even though every brain muscle I possess tells me there’s right and there’s wrong and the world today is filled to capacity with wrong.
Every time I think, okay, it can’t get worse than this, something knew and utterly surprising pops up like the climax in a suspense novel. And then the occurrence of how the new surprise is acknowledged and dealt with is equally incomprehensible. And I’m again surprised and shocked by how many people don’t even know half of what’s going on. Many people of my community are off social media and much kudos to them. Honestly. A part of me is quite jealous of their innocence or ignorance, whichever way you want to put it.
But then that’s a part of what scares me. I know it’s impossible to be on top of everything because there’s just so much. There is so much going on and trying to stay in my lane seems a risk that is difficult to take.
What then, I ask myself, could I do to ease my own sense of need to do something? I do believe that each of us has something we could do. Even if it’s just changing something about oneself for the better. I’m not sure. Perhaps I could continue to worry about how future generations will perceive ours. A call to worriers out there; has any worrying ever changed anything for you?
Something tells me that is not an option. So, I continue to pray for salvation, as well as for an answer to my own private questions regarding my objectives and aspirations to this dilemma that plagues our nation and the world in general.
I think the ultimate salvation is closer than ever, and it’s finally going to make everything crystal clear, for everyone. (Because I can’t do it.) Let’s rather hope.